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Extraordinary Ministers


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion serve God and their parish community by bringing Jesus in the form of bread and wine, consecrated into His Sacred Body and Blood, to others.  


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion not only distribute Eucharist at liturgies, but may also bring Our Lord to those parish members not able to attend Mass.


Membership is open to nearly every adult age 18 and older.  Approval by pastor is required. 




For More Information, Please Contact:


Rev. Edward Nemeth - Pastor

(573) 883-2731




We, the members of Ste. Genevieve Church, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, seek to find a fuller understanding of God's love by worshiping together, learning, teaching, praying, witnessing for Christ, and serving others.  Called by our Baptism, we will be courageous stewards of our time, talent, & treasure.


49 DuBourg Place

Sainte Genevieve MO 63670



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