Sainte Genevieve
---------- Catholic Parish ----------
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Louis
49 DuBourg Place
Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670

Liturgical Ministries
Greeters, Ushers, & Lectors/Commentators
Greeters: As the first contact for our parishioners and visitors who arrive at Mass, our greeters are responsible for ensuring that all feel welcome.
Ushers: Charged with welcoming and greeting our parishioners and visitors. Additional responsibilities include: making sure collection baskets are in place, the gifts are placed on the table, bulletins are stacked in place, & assisting elderly and disabled. Ushers also pass out bulletins after mass as they bid our parishioners farewell.
Lectors/Commentators: Parishioners dedicated to proclaiming "The Word" and are able to stand before a group and read well are invited to be Lectors & Commentators. Open to any parishioner 8th grade and older.
If interested in participating in any of these ministries, please contact the parish center:
Deann Huck
(573) 883-2731