Sainte Genevieve
---------- Catholic Parish ----------
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Louis
49 DuBourg Place
Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670

Reconciliation is available:
11:00 a.m. - prior to weekday 11:30am Mass
30 minutes before each weekend Mass
Any time upon request
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a celebration of God’s forgiveness of sins.
Individual Confession (Sacrament of Penance) is held 30 minutes before each weekend Mass, and at 11:00am on weekdays before the 11:30am Mass, or by appointment with one of our parish priests.
Preparation for First Reconciliation is taught to children in second grade through our parish school, Valle Catholic, or our Parish School of Religion. As the primary religious educators of their children, parents are asked to participate in ongoing faith formation as well.
Preparation For The Sacrament Of Reconciliation
The sacrament of reconciliation offers each of us the opportunity to take stock of our lives, admit our sins, celebrate forgiveness and come home again to God's unconditional love and grace.
This is an outline of the Rite for Reconciliation and Absolution.
What to say?
It can be, "Bless me Father I have sinned, it has been a year (or two or three) since my last confession."
Or it can be your own words: "It's been a long time since I have done this and I am a little nervous, but I am sorry for what I do wrong and I ask God's help."
Use the Scripture and the examination of conscience, to help decide how to name the actions, thoughts, patterns that are sinful and stop you from loving God, self and others.
(Other examples of an Examination of Conscience can be found here: Examination)
+ Do I talk to God daily in prayer, look for the presence of God in each day and worship with my community of faith?
+ Do I love myself; value my own efforts, believe in my own God-given goodness, take care of my health? Do I understand that my body is a gift from God, to be honored, not exploited or used? Do I use alcohol and nicotine to the detriment of my body?
+ Does insecurity, fear, self-absorption, prejudice stop me from being a loving person? Do I measure up to Jesus' command to love one another as I have loved you'? Do I judge others who think differently than I do? With whom do I struggle and why?
+ Does business feed my need to be important or ignore the grace of solitude?
+ Have I forgiven those who have hurt me or do I brood and hold on to grievances?
+ Do I think about myself so much that I don't recognize the needs of others?
+ Do I want material things more and more, or worry needlessly, forgetting that God is really in charge? Do I compare myself to others rather than see myself as God sees me?
+ Am I aware that I have a responsibility to insure dignity and well being for all God's creation--the earth and its people, especially the poor and the vulnerable?
+ What do I feel guilty about? When do I second-guess my decisions?
+ What have I done that would embarrass or hurt my parents?
+ Would I do what I am doing to those I love the most or to myself?
+ Do I take people--their gifts, goodness and love for me--for granted?
+ Why do I continue to do what I do, when I know that it is wrong?
+ Am I honest with myself? Do I find myself rationalizing my behavior?
In the children's story, Runaway Bunny, the little bunny repeatedly runs away from his mother's love, yet, she remains steadfast in her pursuit of her bunny.
This is how God loves us!
The sacrament of reconciliation offers each of us the opportunity to take stock of our lives, admit our failures, celebrate forgiveness and come home again to God's unconditional love, God's grace.
(click on the link below for a full-sheet version of the above examination, for printing)