Sainte Genevieve
---------- Catholic Parish ----------
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Louis
49 DuBourg Place
Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670

St. Vincent De Paul Society
The purpose of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) is the personal sanctification of its members through acts of charity.
The Society quietly and discretely aids friends/neighbors in need (anyone, regardless of economic status), in our community.
SVdP can help with food, clothing, household items, all for free, as well as potentially helping our neighbors in need with minor rent assistance, utility assistance (water bill, electric bill, gas bill, etc...), and other assistance, as long as the need is not hundreds of dollars or more.
Every 3rd Sunday of the month, a second collection at Mass helps support SVDP efforts.
If you are in need (or know of someone in need) please contact our Help Line number (573-271-7004), come by the St. Vincent de Paul Pantry (970 Rozier Street) or use our online Request for Assistance form. (Mailing Address is 320 Jefferson Street, Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670).
St. Vincent de Paul Pantry is open Thursdays, 9am-11am for full service (including food boxes and hygiene items. If there is a 5th Thursday of a month, the store is closed.
President: Mike Hermann
Vice President: Mary Kay Bader
Treasurer: Brenda Operle
Secretary: Laura Oliver
Spiritual Advisor: Jeannie Basler
St. Vincent de Paul Help Line: 573-271-7004
If you are located in the 12477 Village Drive Trailer Court on Breeze Hill, or any location North/Northwest of Village Drive and US Highway 61, please contact our sister St. Vincent de Paul Society Conference (St. Agnes) in Bloomsdale:
St. Vincent de Paul Help Line: (573) 483-9364
40 St. Agnes Drive
Bloomsdale, Missouri 63627